Dear Sonoma State,
Marin Municipal Water District offers spring and summer internships related to the fields of ecology and vegetation management on the Mount Tamalpais Watershed. The internships provide students, or recent graduates, with practical experience and direct application in a professional setting. Internships also provide participants the chance to learn from personal observation and synthesis, to participate directly in problem-solving activities and to better prepare students for their careers or continuing education. Participants must commit to 35 hours during a semester and have substantial knowledge in one of these disciplines or the aptitude to learn. We accept four to six interns per semester.
Internship projects are involved with vegetation ecology, biological monitoring, GIS, GPS and mapping. There will be opportunity to work on such projects as our 2012 Bio Blitzes (citizen science inventory of biological species on the Watershed), updating the Mt Tamalpais Rare Plant Report, the Douglas-fir encroachment project or mapping and updating the Mt Tamalpais Watershed facilities. Mentorship is provided by MMWD's vegetation ecologist, GIS analyst and volunteer coordinator.
Applications must be received by January 15th for consideration. A Saturday volunteer event would be a great place to meet us and to get an introduction to the watershed. Visit the website for the application, details and directions to the Watershed, controller?action=menuclick& id=580.
Marin Municipal Water District will be commemorating its centennial in 2012 and will be celebrating with a year-long series of naturalist walks, workshops and bio-blitzes on the Watershed. If you or your department may be interested in partnering with us on the citizen science and educational programming please let me know and I will give you an update regarding our planning in the new year.
Thank you for your interest in working with the natural resources team at MMWD.
Suzanne Whelan
Volunteer Program
Sky Oaks Watershed Headquarters
Marin Municipal Water District
volunteerprogram@marinwater. org
Love Mt Tamalpais? Want to see photos of our volunteers in action? Friend us! marinwater
Marin Municipal Water District offers spring and summer internships related to the fields of ecology and vegetation management on the Mount Tamalpais Watershed. The internships provide students, or recent graduates, with practical experience and direct application in a professional setting. Internships also provide participants the chance to learn from personal observation and synthesis, to participate directly in problem-solving activities and to better prepare students for their careers or continuing education. Participants must commit to 35 hours during a semester and have substantial knowledge in one of these disciplines or the aptitude to learn. We accept four to six interns per semester.
Internship projects are involved with vegetation ecology, biological monitoring, GIS, GPS and mapping. There will be opportunity to work on such projects as our 2012 Bio Blitzes (citizen science inventory of biological species on the Watershed), updating the Mt Tamalpais Rare Plant Report, the Douglas-fir encroachment project or mapping and updating the Mt Tamalpais Watershed facilities. Mentorship is provided by MMWD's vegetation ecologist, GIS analyst and volunteer coordinator.
Applications must be received by January 15th for consideration. A Saturday volunteer event would be a great place to meet us and to get an introduction to the watershed. Visit the website for the application, details and directions to the Watershed,
Marin Municipal Water District will be commemorating its centennial in 2012 and will be celebrating with a year-long series of naturalist walks, workshops and bio-blitzes on the Watershed. If you or your department may be interested in partnering with us on the citizen science and educational programming please let me know and I will give you an update regarding our planning in the new year.
Thank you for your interest in working with the natural resources team at MMWD.
Suzanne Whelan
Volunteer Program
Sky Oaks Watershed Headquarters
Marin Municipal Water District
Love Mt Tamalpais? Want to see photos of our volunteers in action? Friend us!